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About this coaching program:

This coaching program covers all learning aspects on how to emotionally self-soothe and self-regulate. You’ll learn how to master control over your emotions that are held in the body, how to calm yourself down, and strategies to put in place so triggers become way less impactful.


Who this program is ideally suited for:

The Emotions Master Coaching Program is ideally suited to you if you’ve been feeling like:

  • You’re struggling with internal turmoil

  • At times, you have no control over your own body

  • You have an inability to emotionally self-soothe

  • You get emotionally over-whelmed or flooded

  • You get triggered frequently

  • You find relationship conflict particularly difficult and become shut down, immobilised or flooded


The great news is that you can learn better ways to manage your emotions. You have the brain plasticity of a child so you can learn to be whoever you want to be. You just need the right tools/strategies and have the desire to commit to doing the work.  

What’s included:

4 x weeks of training material and handouts, including over 60 points to consider and strategies to implement.

1 x 60-minute one-on-one video calls with Terri O’Reilly (your choice as to when you want them. You can book them both at the end and join them together or book them separately). You don’t need to decide on this up front as you can book them at any time.


How it works:

You’ll have 4 weeks of videos to go through, sent to you up front so you can watch whenever suits your schedule. Make notes along the way of what you’re struggling with, pertaining to the material being covered. You can discuss these points on your one-on-one call. We’ll be in touch.


Enjoy the long-term outcomes but make your practice daily and lifelong. You already do good things for your body daily (ie. brushing your teeth, drinking water etc), good emotional health is the same. The more you practice, the better you’ll be at mastering it.

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